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Manvendra (widely recognized by the pseudonym MKS) forms a world of fiction and fantasy for his readers. This area is the hub of the most exciting fiction genre, classics e-books and stories.
In search of beautiful stories...
देश-समाज की राजनीति, अर्थतंत्र और मीडिया का अध्येता और टिप्पणीकार
गाँव का बाशिंदा, पेशे से पत्रकार, अथातो घुमक्कड़...
Every four months, a dispatch of a serialised short story, prose-poems and more for two Tuesdays a month.
Collage Artist
Assistant Professor, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur. PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Wesbsite:
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